What is CSV/SOV and what can they tell you?

**Wednesday Wisdom will consist of potential interview questions.

What is CSV/SOV and what can they tell you?
📌 Customer Service Variance / Small Office Variance
📌 CSV/SOV Variance measures efficiency as Earned Hours divided by Actual Hours and is represented as Percent Achieved with 100% representing a target match of workhours to workload.
📌 These two programs will you about the clerk side of things. Such as hours earned versus what is being used, types and number of each kind of deliveries, number of P.O. Boxes, how many clerks are in the office versus what is earned and more.

Here are some additional links:
👉 http://www.apwuiowa.com/CSV%20FAQs.pdf
👉 https://www.unitedpma.org/docs/default-source/news/npafe_retail_csv_sov_opportunity_2023.pdf?sfvrsn=b203688d_3
👉 https://slideplayer.com/slide/14491863/


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