Potential Interview Questions: What is % to Standard? How is it calculated?

**Wednesday Wisdom will consist of potential interview questions.
** More information can be found in the M-41 Handbook: City Delivery Carriers Duties and Responsibilities.

What is % to Standard? How is it calculated?

The number called “% to standard” is derived from a DOIS computation. The DOIS program arrives at the % to Standard number by totaling all time used to case and withdraw mail and divides that number by the totals of flats and letters.

18 Letters / 8 Flats

DOIS comes up with the daily PTS based on the volume figures input by the supervisor for that day. The program then computes the projected time. Projected time is the amount of time DOIS estimates to case and withdraw X amount of mail based on the individual PTS assigned each Carrier based upon their last inspection.


What is CSV/SOV and what can they tell you?


Potential Interview Questions: “Tell me about yourself.”