Do you know how to submit a design for a stamp? We are inviting all B.R.A.T.S (and anyone else 😉) to go to the files section and print out "Design a Stamp" and show us what you can come up with. Who knows, maybe you will get a surprise in the mail, or your design will appear in The Alabama Leader.

We want to educate, have fun, and interact with our B.R.A.T.S members even when we aren't at a UPMA function!

I know I didn't know how to submit a design for a stamp until I researched it. For those curious, all information can be found in Publication 226 - Creating U.S. Postage Stamps.

Click photo above to access scholarship applicaiton.

Meet the Board for Auxiliary & B.R.A.T.S

  • Allison Worrell

    President, Auxiliary & B.R.A.T.S

  • Karmen Grant

    Vice-President, Auxiliary & B.R.A.T.S

  • Jocelyn Williams

    Treasurer & Secretary, Auxiliary & B.R.A.T.S