Ron Davis, Chapter Member Representative

1112 County Road 540
Valley, AL 36854
Cell: 334-744-3033

CMR Team:

Kristie Grant (256) 252-0188
Sherry Worrell (334) 320-6552
Nick Long (334) 695-9303
Debra Alums (334) 685-2068
Kimberly Jones (808) 489-1296

Suggested for EAS or PCES Employees
If requested, directed, or approached for an interview, the following should be your initial statement:

If this interview is part of an investigation of a criminal matter I request to be represented by an attorney prior to any interview. Until I have my attorney present, I do not agree to sign any document, and will not answer any questions. I also will not make any written or oral statement. I do not consent to any search without a warrant. If you provide me with a search warrant, I will not resist the search while reserving legal objections to it. 

If this interview is not part of any criminal investigation, I request to contact my UPMA representative for advice and to be present with me for the interview. I will appear with my UPMA representative and orally answer questions. I decline to provide any written statement and reserve my legal right refuse to answer any questions that may intend to incriminate me.